New service to improve mental wellbeing in Wiltshire
We’ve launched a new ‘one stop shop’ service to support people with mental health problems in Wiltshire.
The Wiltshire Recovery and Social Inclusion Service will support people living with mental health problems to improve their wellbeing through a combination of community and specialist support. It’s being funded by Wiltshire Council and NHS Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group.
Stephen Smith-Trask, managing director for Richmond Fellowship (South), said:
“We’re really excited to be launching this new holistic service in Wiltshire. It’ll be a one-stop shop for people to improve their wellbeing through one to one sessions, employment support, community activities and peer support.
“Richmond Fellowship already runs a number of services in Wiltshire so the new Recovery and Social Inclusion Service will build on our experiences working with local communities.”
The service will also tackle digital isolation by providing training and support to give people the skills and confidence to use online banking, get information about how to access benefits and wellbeing online, as well as introduce people to online communication and social media.
Maggie Rae, Wiltshire Council corporate director, said:
“We are pleased to be working with Richmond Fellowship to provide this service which will help to ensure that people living with mental health issues do not feel alone and can be supported to help lead fulfilling lives full of opportunities, not barriers.”
Wiltshire Council cabinet member for public health and adult care, Keith Humphries said:
“This important service will work closely with communities and help provide people with the day to day skills that many of us take for granted. I’m sure it will have a really positive impact.”
Deborah Fielding, chief officer at Wiltshire CCG said:
“Wiltshire CCG are pleased to be working jointly with Wiltshire Council and Richmond Fellowship to provide this important service to the residents of Wiltshire. It is hoped that the lives of those using the service will be greatly enhanced, enabling them to move forward following periods of uncertainty with renewed confidence and independence”.
The service, operating from Devizes, is open to anybody over the age of 18 who is at risk of, or experiencing mental health problems.