Richmond Fellowship’s Employment Services focus on getting people into mainstream employment in line with their preferences at a pace that’s right for you and/or enabling you to retain your current job by facilitating a support package with your employer.

Our services don’t exclude people on the basis of diagnosis or supposed “work readiness”; we support anyone who wants to gain or stay in work.

Employment services adopt a supportive, empowering and non-judgemental model where people we support are at the heart of everything we do. The recovery model is a holistic and person-centred approach. It empowers the people we support to find purpose, regain positive attitudes towards life that build on their strengths to improve life skills, independence, autonomy and hope for the future.

Employment Service

Our operating models include:


Employment Services specialise in helping people retain their current employment or regain alternative employment of their choice.

Individual Placement and Support (IPS)

We use the individual placement and support (IPS) model, which gets people into competitive employment first with training and support on the job: place and train.

Improving Access to Psychological Therapy (IAPT)

IAPT stands for Improving Access to Psychological Therapy and is a service designed to offer short-term psychological therapies for people experiencing anxiety, depression and stress.

How our Employment Advisors work

Employment Advisors focus on an individual’s strengths and opportunities and reflect on what someone can do rather than on what they can’t.​​​​​​Advisors with specific training will assist people with mental health challenges to gain or retain employment through individualised action planning. In short, advisors will​​​​​​​​​​​​​​:

  • Use a person-centred approach which identifies individuals’ skills, values and interests
  • Support in job searching, CV preparation, completing job applications, and preparing for interviews
  • Advise on disclosure of mental ill health to employers and, where appropriate, we work with an individual and their employer to provide ongoing support in their work-place.

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