Mental health in the digital world

Our-working-together-forum-logoMental health in the 21st century was the theme of discussion at a national conference yesterday held at the University of Manchester.

The event, hosted by Richmond Fellowship, part of Recovery Focus, examined the opportunities and challenges that digital technology brings to mental health and recovery.

Derek Caren, Group chief executive of Recovery Focus, said:

“The impact of digital technology on mental health and recovery is something we’ve focussed a great deal on and it was fantastic to hold an event like this to discuss technology and the opportunities it has for mental health.
“It was inspiring to see people we support speaking about their experiences and learning more about technology and how it can help them along their recovery journey.”

In the spirit of co-production, the day was organised and led by a combined team of staff and people using Richmond Fellowship services with nearly 100 people in attendance.

The highlight of the day was an inspiring talk from Jonny Benjamin, mental health campaigner and film-maker, who rose to fame through his documentary Stranger on a Bridge where he sought the man who had talked him out of taking his own life in 2008.

Mr Benjamin discussed how he had found creating a video diary a useful way to help share his experiences and break down stigma about mental health, and helped people to have a go at creating their own.

The day also featured interactive workshops, including a session by Barclays about money management, the opportunity to shape our organisation’s digital inclusion plans, and some more creative workshops with art and music led by SoundLincs.


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