DVIP Women Support Service

Domestic Abuse

80 Holloway Road
N7 8JG

Opening Hours

Mon: 9am - 5pm
Tues: 9am - 5pm
Wed: 9am - 5pm
Thurs: 9am - 5pm
Fri: 9am - 5pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed

Who we are

We are a division of Richmond Fellowship. For over 25 years, DVIP have been helping to make women and children safer. With services across London, we work to stop domestic violence and to reduce the harm it causes to women, children and families.

We are known as an authority in the UK in providing specialised domestic violence services. The Home Office has cited DVIP as a model of good practice, and the Office of the Mayor of London has recognised our contribution to women’s safety. We are proud that our Violence Prevention Programme is one of the first in the UK to be fully accredited by Respect, the accreditation body for domestic violence perpetrator programmes in the UK.

What we do

We focus on helping women to improve their own and their children’s safety. We enable women to explore their experiences of domestic violence and gain more control over their lives. We offer support, safety planning and information, and we promote realistic expectations of our work with her partner or ex-partner on the Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programme. We advocate on women’s behalf to statutory agencies.

We offer 1:1 support in person or on the phone and weekly support groups. We encourage women to attend on a regular basis. Our facilitators encourage women to take responsibility for the group and the issues discussed, using a range of counselling, therapeutic and educational techniques. We also encourage women to phone us when they need to.

We proactively contact every woman whose partner is referred to us, by phone and by sending   an information pack. We stay in touch with all women clients through regular phone calls. If there are specific concerns for a woman’s safety or her children’s safety, we make contact a priority and take all available steps to minimise the risks.

Who we help

We support all partners and ex-partners of men using one of our services or has been referred to the Domestic Violence Prevention Programme.

We also support women victims of domestic violence whose children are in care proceedings and Social Services have referred to us for an assessment. 

Getting referred

Please contact us for more information on referring to our services.

Safe browsing online

If you are in an abusive or controlling relationship it is important you stay safe online when viewing support. Please click here for more information.

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