Sycamore House Crisis Support

Crisis Service

1 Warbreck Hill Road
Gynn Square

Who we are

Richmond Fellowship's Sycamore House crisis support service looks to address both your immediate crisis and longer term recovery goals. It provides safe, high quality support with an emphasis on understanding the factors which contributed to your crisis.

The service equips you with strategies and tools to support your ongoing mental health recovery.

What we do

Our service provides 6 beds for people experiencing a mental health crisis.

Our service operates a holistic therapeutic support model, working towards preventing hospital admissions.

Personalised support is offered in a non-clinical setting and in partnership with Home Treatment Teams (LSCFT).

Who we help

People experiencing a mental health crisis.

Getting referred

External agencies such as A&E, mental health liaison teams, hospital discharge, care coordinators, social worker, frequent attender teams, HTT and SPA refer directly into Blackpool HTT who assess the referral and if deemed appropriate refer to the service for a 7 day placement offer of support.

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