Durham Supported Housing

Supported Housing

14-16 High Bondgate
Bishop Auckland
County Durham
DL14 7PJ

Who we are

Richmond Fellowship’s Durham Supported Housing Service is tailored for each individual using the service with the ultimate goal to help you manage your accommodation and assist you with reintegration back into independent living and the wider community.

What we do

We offer supported accommodation across Durham for people living with mental ill health.

Each property offers a different level of support to people who use the service, such as a 24-hour supported housing service, a step down service and a light touch support service.

Our support is tailored for each person using the service with the ultimate goal to help people manage their accommodation and assist them with reintegration back into independent living and the wider community.

Who we help

Our service is available to people aged 18 to 65, with a diagnosed mental health condition.

Individuals who have been in residential care or hospital long term, come to our service to be part of a 5 year rehabilitation programme which involves gaining valuable life skills and independence ready for living independently in the community.

Getting referred

We accept referrals through Community Mental Health teams, as well as self-referrals and direct applications from forensic teams and other housing or support agencies.

Eligibility differs for each property; please get in touch to find out more.

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