How’re we doing? Have your say on our services.

SparkyRWe want to find out what the people who use our services like about the work we do, and what they want us to improve.

Feedback from the people we support is really valuable as it helps us to see how we’re getting on and to demonstrate what we’re doing well.

It also highlights some of the areas that people would like us to do better at so we can address these and make sure that our services are always improving.

Our annual satisfaction survey is a great opportunity for the people who use our services to tell us what they think, so if you use one of our services please take the time to complete it.

You can submit the survey online or on paper. Please speak to a member of staff at your service for a copy.

This year we’re also using the satisfaction survey as a way of finding out more about the use of digital technology by the people we support. We want to understand current levels of access, skills and confidence, to inform our digital inclusion plans going forward.

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