Willow House

Crisis Service

Willow House
120 Chapel Lane

Who we are

Richmond Fellowship’s Willow House crisis support service looks to address both your immediate crisis and longer term recovery goals.

It provides safe, high quality support with an emphasis on understanding the factors which contributed to your crisis.

The service equips you with strategies and tools to support your ongoing mental health recovery.

What we do

Provide practical and emotional support to people experiencing a mental health crisis.

Guests can stay for up to 7 days, develop a support plan and staff deliver interventions based on the support needs.

The aim is to prevent hospital admission and people feel better able to manage a crisis in the future.

Who we help

Support is available to those over 18, experiencing a mental health crisis.

Individuals must be under the care of the Home Treatment Team for Chorley/South Ribble or Preston and not detained under the Mental Health Act.

Getting referred

Home Treatment Team referrals only.

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