Stowmarket Supported Housing

Supported Housing

3 Cricket Meadow
Finborough Road
IP14 1GF

Opening Hours

Mon: 8am - 10pm
Tues: 8am - 10pm
Wed: 8am - 10pm
Thurs: 8am - 10pm
Fri: 8am - 10pm
Sat: 8am - 10pm
Sun: 8am - 10pm

Who we are

Richmond Fellowship’s Stowmarket Supported Housing Services is tailored for each individual using the service with the ultimate goal to help you manage your accommodation and assist you with reintegration back into independent living and the wider community.

What we do

We provide a 24 hour supported housing in 8 individual furnished flats.

We also have 6 flats at Verneuil Avenue, Stowmarket where we offer lower support to tenants who are further in their recovery journey.

Each tenant has a keyworker who supports them to manage their accommodation and assist them in day to day living skills to enable them to move on to independent living in the community.

Support is given according to their individual support plans. These are focused on goals and the needs/support to achieve them.

Who we help

Our service is available to anyone aged 18 years or over with a mental health diagnosis, under a mental health team and with a local area connection.

Getting referred

Referrals should be made by an individual’s care co-ordinator who will have assessed their need for support.

We then meet with the individual to discuss their needs and together develop a tailored support plan.

Additional info

Check out our blog site.

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