Manchester Women’s Service

Supported Housing


Opening Hours

Mon: 9am - 5pm
Tues: 9am - 5pm
Wed: 9am - 5pm
Thurs: 9am - 5pm
Fri: 9am - 5pm
Sat: 9am - 5pm
Sun: 9am - 5pm

Who we are

Richmond Fellowship’s Manchester Women’s Service is tailored for each individual using the service with the ultimate goal to help you manage your accommodation and assist you with reintegration back into independent living and the wider community.

What we do

We provide specialist supported accommodation for women who are experiencing mental health problems and who are in need of accommodation. The service is a medium support service and staff are on site during office hours with a drop-in service at weekends. There is an out of hours on-call service available.

Who we help

We provide short term housing related support for vulnerable women and our facilities are made up of 18 self contained accommodation units to vulnerable women.

We prioritise female survivors of domestic violence or childhood sexual abuse and women who are at risk. We are able to offer accommodation to women with children, please contact the project for further details. We have an all female staff team.

We support women to develop and strengthen existing life skills to improve their quality of life and to promote independent living. The support is based on the recovery model and we work holistically addressing all areas of need whilst supporting the individual on their recovery journey.

We work closely with statutory, health and other third sector organisations to ensure that the appropriate support is provided in order to meet individual needs. Each woman has a named support worker who they meet with on a weekly basis and who supports them to identify their own support plan and goals.

We arrange activities and support individuals in all aspects of their personal development.

Getting referred

Please get in touch with the service to find out more details.

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