Lancashire Supported Housing

Supported Housing

45-47 Park Road
St Annes-on-Sea

Who we are

Richmond Fellowship’s Lancashire Supported Housing Service is tailored for each individual using the service with the ultimate goal to help you manage your accommodation and assist you with reintegration back into independent living and the wider community.

What we do

Our service provides 12 hour support in 6 self contained flats and 24 hour support in 5 self contained flats.

We support individuals to gain or regain skills and confidence to achieve greater independence.

Support to develop coping strategies to best manage their mental and physical health needs.

We support individuals to access community groups and promote socially inclusive activities.

Our service supports people with all aspects of daily living skills (except personal care) as well as access training, volunteering and employment.

We take a person centred approach to support planning and joint work with Community Mental Health Teams and other agencies to prevent inappropriate admissions to hospital at the point of crisis.

Who we help

Individuals must be under one of these teams and have a mental health issue and be aged 18 to 65 and have a local connection to the Blackpool area.

They must be registered with a Blackpool based GP or their Section 117 aftercare falls to Blackpool.

The individual must be referred to the service by their care co-ordinator from one of the following:

  • Adult Mental Health Team
  • Early Intervention service or direct from the Commissioning Team (referrals aged 17 will be considered if criteria is met).

Getting referred

We cannot accept self referrals to this service.

Referrals must be made via a care co-ordinator. Supporting documentation is sent through to the team leader for consideration, a referral assessment interview will then takes place.

If successful the individual will be offered a place if one is available or they will be placed on a waiting list.

All referrals are subject to a risk assessment.

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