Outgoing Sudbury Mayor raises over £400 for Richmond Fellowship
The outgoing Mayor of Sudbury, Councillor Sarah Page has raised £467.20 for the national mental health charity, Richmond Fellowship.
Councillor Page selected Richmond Fellowship as one of her chosen charities for her 2017-2018 mayoralty year.
A range of fundraising activities have taken place over the last 12 months, including various coffee mornings in Sudbury Town Hall.
Sarah Page said:
“I was inspired by the work of Richmond Fellowship and the fantastic staff at Sudbury. I attended some of their events in my mayoral year and met many clients and staff. I was very impressed with the work of this organisation and I feel Richmond Fellowship make a huge difference to peoples lives and long term recovery. Their work has such a positive impact on, not only their clients but our wider community”.
Andrea Stribling, Locality Manager for Richmond Fellowship Suffolk said:
“I’d like to say a big thank you to Sarah for selecting our service as her charity of the year. The money raised will make a real difference to those accessing our support. I’d also like to say thank you to all the residents who’ve kindly donated at the various fundraising events that have taken place around the town”.
The money raised will be spent locally, providing a range of recovery activities and trips for those using Richmond Fellowship’s supported housing and community based service in Sudbury, Suffolk.